E-Books, guides and resources

E-Books, guides and resources​

Welcome to our resource page. Very soon here you will find different resources which will be helpful in you work with young people and the best part is – you can use them freely.

Intellectual output 2

Guide to youth work

Youth worker’s guide


ERASMUS+ 2019-2-BG01-KA205-062734

Made by
IEY project team

Základní koncepty práce s mládeží


ERASMUS+ 2019-2-BG01-KA205-062734

Made by
IEY project team

სახელმძღვანელო ახალგაზრდული მუშაკებისთვის

ევროპელი ახალგაზრდების შთაგონება

ERASMUS+ 2019-2-BG01-KA205-062734

Made by
IEY project team

Gençlik Çalışanlarının Kılavuzu


ERASMUS 2019-2-BG01-KA205-062734

Made by
IEY project team

Наръчник на младежкия работник


ERASMUS+ 2019-2-BG01-KA205-062734

Made by
IEY project team


Sources and materials used in the creation of the guide.

Made by
IEY project team

Intellectual Output 3

Educational videos

Nowadays digital videos have a big influence on society, which increased the popularity and demand for educational videos. Due to the high availability and more accessibility of Educational videos, they are one of the most useful and effective tools for learning. Thanks to the visual and auditory sides of videos, the learning process is becoming easier and more memorable from time to time. In addition, it enables a learner to replay the video as many times as needed, watch it in any place using multiple devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. Therefore, the learning process is more flexible and convenient. Educational videos encourage online discussion, which increases the engagement of viewers. In this intellectual output, our youth workers have created a series of educational videos aimed at Youth Workers and trainees. Enjoy!

Instructional Videos


Intellectual output 4

Youth Cellphone Application

Nowadays people spend a lot of time on using smartphones daily. They have started to take up new learning ways with the help of mobile applications. The popularity of using cellphones for educational purposes has significantly increased in the last decade. Using mobile applications in education increases engagement of people through interesting, fun and creative activities.

That is why our team created a small Android cellphone application to help navigate and use the outputs created by this project.

The application has no log on, it’s completely free and does not gather any personal data. Enjoy!

*** The application will be downloaded into zip file.